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Lower Cholesterol with Natural Foods

Blood cholesterol is mainly of two types: LDL and HDL cholesterol. Both the types of cholesterol are produced by our body to perform certain functions and are always present in our blood. A total blood cholesterol of less than 200 mg/dL, LDL cholesterol of less than 130 mg/dL and HDL cholesterol more than 35mg/dL are considered good for the health of our heart. The problem arises when our body produces more LDL and total cholesterol and less HDL cholesterol than the above mentioned figures.

What you should do if you have high cholesterol then what? It is not always necessary to take medication. In most cases, both LDL and HDL cholesterol can be improved with regular exercise and eating low fat cholesterol friendly foods.

The cholesterol friendly foods or super foods that actually lower cholesterol include apples, onions, lentils, legumes, oats, walnuts, and olive oil. Research has shown that phytochemicals in apples and onions could help cut the risk of death from heart disease or stroke in half. Phytochemicals found in these foods have potential for protection against heart diasease, stroke and cancer. Oats contain beta-glucans, a soluble fiber that has been shown to lower cholesterol. Walnuts contain linolenic acid which lowers cholesterol and prevents blood clots. Olive oil contains 77% of monounsaturated fat and has powerful antioxidants, which lowers LDL cholesterol without affecting HDL levels.

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