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Dont Get Mad - Write It Down

"Have you just had an arguement with a friend, mum, dad, brother, sister? Got a bad report from school? or just feeling down in the dumps?"

If you are feeling any of the above then this article can help you :D

Whenever someone has upset me or im left feeling stressed from anything, i dont let it wind me up and let it make me mad because that just ends up causing more problems in the long run!

Instead i take a piece of pen and paper and write it all down, i pretend i am writing a letter to someone (it dont matter who), i normally try and pick someone i know i can trust and have a good conversation with without getting frustrated at them cos they wont listen.(this person could also be imaginary and not real)

I write down every single thing that im feeling and write it down as if they was next to me listening, within this letter i would pretend i was having a discussion with them about whatever it was that was bothering me, whether its mum & dad constantly moaning about homework, brothers and sisters trying to satrt a fight, people at school, friends you`ve had an arguement with by the time you`ve finished writing the letter to this person that you really trust (or have made up) you yourself have calmed down and now that your calm again, read back through the letter and read what you wrote.

When reading the letter think to yourself was the arguement really their fault or was i partly to blame?, if i did a bit more homework would mum & dad give me a break? etc and use this to better yourself.

This is also good practise for helping you control your temper and instead of getting mad at someone write it down.

This also helps kids & teens that feel lonely and feel like they have no-one to talk to since they are still sorting out their problems but not having to actually confront anyone.

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