Bernd Wollschlaeger, MD, a leading expert in men’s health and nutrition, took some time to talk about the major concerns and preventative measures men can take to ensure their heart health.
Wellness Advisor: What are some of the major factors that affect men’s heart health?
Dr. Wollschlaeger: Several risk factors can adversely influence a healthy cardiovascular function.
Smoking and high blood pressure can increase the incidence of developing heart disease and stroke. High cholesterol and/or triglycerides, especially high LDL-cholesterol and even elevated homocysteine levels, can lead to a greater chance of developing atherosclerosis. Diabetes, particularly if blood sugars are not well-controlled, can increase the risk for heart disease. Obesity, excess body fat, is related to diabetes, hypertension, and high blood pressure and now classified as metabolic syndrome. Sedentary lifestyle is related to diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and high blood fats. Regular exercise is essential to control these risk factors. Diets rich in fatty foods causes high blood fats, obesity, and has been linked to diabetes and hypertension. Stressful life style can affect blood pressure, diabetic control, and heart function.
Most of these risk factors can be minimized by maintaining a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, but low in saturated fats and simple carbohydrates, a regular exercise program, smoking cessation, and a balanced lifestyle with sufficient periods of rest at night.
WA: What supplements can be taken to help promote heart health? How do those supplements work?
BW: Most heart diseases arise from atherosclerosis, which accumulates due to diets rich in saturated fats, smoking, obesity and lack of exercise. A heart attack occurs when atherosclerotic plaques erode, rupture and thereby occluding a heart vessel.
Many experts believe that oxidation of low-density lipoproteins ’bad cholesterol’ by free radicals play a central role in this process. Antioxidants, such as Vitamins E and C, and Beta Carotene, have been found to inhibit oxidant formation, neutralize the damaging free radicals and even repair injury caused by oxidants. By studying the various factors influencing the occurrence, distribution, prevention, and control of heart disease, known as Epidemiological Studies, we discovered that the more dietary antioxidants--fresh fruits and vegetables--people within a population consume, the lower the rate of heart disease and death.
Sources of antioxidants combinations that have been clinically proven are fruits, vegetables and whole grain. It is important to understand that supplements do not substitute for a healthy diet. Some high quality supplements that are modeled according to naturally occurring vitamins might be the key to targeted vitamin supplementation programs. Therefore consumers should choose a manufacturer that strives to the highest possible standards of equivalency, purity and potency.
WA: What other steps can men take as preventative measures to ensure heart health?
BW: Men are genetically predisposed to suffer from heart disease and should minimize their risk by eliminating all known risk factors--smoking, sedentary life style, poor diet. The effect of stress on our heart health can be minimized by using meditation, yoga, other mind-body exercises and bio-feed back modalities. I also emphasize the importance of a healthy, honest and emotional relationship with another human being. Many men stumble through life trying to score in another relationship and often find them selves alone and isolated. Being caring and emotional is often more gratifying and healthier than showing your macho side.