Gum Disease
Gum health is an important indicator of overall well being. While cavities are the primary problem we see dentists for in our youth, as we age gum problems and oral health become a larger concern. Sandra Marin, R.D. and M.P.H., offers some tips to the Wellness Advisor about safe guarding our oral health.
Wellness Advisor: What are the symptoms of gum disease?
Sandra Marin: The symptoms of gum disease include redness, swelling, tenderness and gums that bleed easily. In more advanced gum disease, you may experience bad breath which is persistent and doesn’t go away with proper dental care. Other signs of bad oral health include gums which pull away from the teeth and a change in how teeth fit together. You are at higher risk for developing gum disease if you smoke, drink a lot of alcohol, have poor nutritional habits, are diabetic, or eat a lot of sugary foods. If you tend to have dry mouth, are pregnant, on certain medications or you have HIV or AIDS, you should take special care of your gums.
WA: Are their nutritional measures which can prevent gum disease?
Marin: There are definitely nutritional measures you can take to reduce the risk of gum disease. First and foremost, one should try to limit intake of sugary foods and simple carbohydrates. Try replacing sweets with fresh fruits instead. In addition you can add cheese to your meal. Cheeses like cheddar help increase the flow of saliva and therefore help remove particles of food from sticking to the teeth. Also try to avoid sticky foods like syrup and jelly beans which stick to the teeth very easily. If you choose to chew gum go for a sugar-free version.
WA: What vitamins and supplements can help me?
Marin: Yes, for example vitamin C is crucial for maintaining healthy gums. Vitamin A is very important because it keeps cells in good health and vitamin E is also effective at protecting teeth and gum health. In addition, some studies have shown that when vitamin D intake and calcium are low, you increase your chances of gum disease and you have a greater chance of losing your teeth. They’ve done studies on men and women where they’ve followed them for seven years, and it was noted that the risk for tooth loss was directly associated with calcium and vitamin D intake. Zinc and CoQ10 have also been shown to be beneficial to gum health. It is speculated that the reason CoQ10 is effective is due to its anti-inflammatory characteristic which may help maintain healthy gums.
WA: What lifestyle changes should I make to preserve and enhance gum health?
Marin: You can make quite a few changes to help maintain healthy teeth and gums. For starters you should use a fluoride containing toothpaste. In addition use a tooth brush approved by the American Dental Association. You should brush your teeth and floss regularly. If you smoke, try to quit, and if you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Avoid sugary foods and chew sugar free gum. Try to eat a healthy diet, and add a multivitamin to your regimen.