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Look Sharp

According to the National Eye Institute, more Americans today face the threat of blindness from age-related eye diseases than ever before. Over one million Americans, age 40 and over, are currently blind and an additional 2.4 million are visually impaired. The most startling fact is that these numbers are expected to double over the next 30 years.

This astounding statistic enables many adult Americans to take preventative measures today to maintain positive eye health. The following, easy-to-adapt, proactive measures can help adults see well into the future.

My future`s so bright, I gotta wear shades

A simple way to protect your eyes is to wear sunglasses with UV filtering lenses. Ultra violet (UV) light is the component of sunlight most responsible for eye damage. Excessive exposure, especially from light reflected from sand, snow or pavement, can produce a burn on the surface of the eye. Similar to a sunburn on the skin, eye surface burns are usually painful, but subside. Long-term effects can include hazy, spotted sight and even blindness.

Buff-up your eyes

Some optometrists in the United States encourage and practice a form of "physical therapy" for the eyes and brain called "vision therapy" or "vision training." Vision therapy consists of a program of exercises, which improve vision by systematically training the entire visual system (which includes eyes, mind and body). Eye exercises can assist adults and children in using their eyes properly, thus generating fewer vision-related problems in the future. Easy vision therapy you can do at work include the following:

Periodically take your eyes off the computer screen and focus on something in the distance for a few moments. This will lessen the strain on your eyes after focusing on close range items, such as the computer screen, for long periods of time.

Keeping your eyes moist throughout the day is very important in maintaining healthy eyes. Remember to frequently close your eyelids in order to rest them--don`t fall asleep though! Not only does this clean your corneas and keep them moist, it also provides relaxation for the eyes.

Supplement your eye health

Essential antioxidants, including vitamins and minerals like Vitamins A (beta carotene), C, E and Zinc, as well as Lutein and Zeaxanthin, may help to keep the eye healthy and assist in maintaining overall eye health as a person ages. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are antioxidants that occur naturally in foods and are stored in the macula of the eye.

"Healthy lutein and zeaxanthin levels in the blood may help prevent age-related vision conditions. A diet lacking bright-colored fruits and vegetables is also lacking these key nutrients that promote good eye health," said Lynn Laboranti, MS, RD.

Have a doctor`s appointment with me, myself and Eye

Many people want to know how often they should have their eyes examined. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the answer depends on your age, medical background and risk factors for disease. Typically, adults should be screened every three to four years between the ages of 20 and 39. Adults ages 40 to 64, are recommended to have an exam every two to four years and at age 65 and older, an exam should occur annually. Check with your local optometrist regarding children and young adult screening schedules.

Clearly there are steps you can take to keep positive eye health within sight. Learn to protect the valuable organs that provide so many people with a bright and noticeable future.

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