Many people who suffer from digestive disturbances can turn to nutritional supplements to help ease their discomfort. Here’s a list of supplements which may offer comfort in times of intestinal distress and keep the digestive system healthy.
Acidophilus: Supplementation with Acidophilus may help ease digestive problems. L. acidophilus is a pro-biotic, which is a live microorganism that may improve the balance of the intestinal environment, or microflora. Microflora help prevent the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms and the entry of allergens. They may also contribute to the body’s requirements for some dietary nutrients. L. acidophilus aids in digestion and may help improve intestinal motility, and may help with lactose intolerance as well. It aids in the recovery from pathogen and/or antibiotic induced diarrhea, and helps to maintain a proper balance of `healthy` bacteria in the lower intestines and aids in digestion.
Ginger: The herb ginger has a history of use for gastrointestinal disturbances. Ginger is primarily used to counteract nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness. However, it is also used as a digestive aid. It is thought to exert its effect through local action on the stomach, instead of the central nervous system. Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory properties as well, which may be helpful in numerous inflammatory conditions. In addition, ginger helps to soothe the digestive tract and may be useful in relieving flatulence.
Please note: Caution is advised for individuals on existing cardiac, anti-diabetic, or anticoagulant therapy. Ginger has been found to be a potent inhibitor of thromboxane synthesis, which prolongs bleeding time. It is important for coumadin (warfarin) patients to monitor their International Normalized Ratios (INR’s) when supplementing with ginger.
Cascara Sagrada: Cascara Sagrada, also called `sacred bark,` has been used by Native Americans since the 16th century and in Europe since ancient times. Cascara Sagrada is a tree that grows to about 20-feet and has reddish-brown bark and thin, finely serrated leaves. It grows in the Northwestern United States and it contains chemicals called anthraquinones that stimulate intestinal contractions. Cascara Sagrada aged bark acts as a natural stimulant laxative in helping to relieve occasional constipation.
Fiber: Dietary fiber has little nutritional value, but does have beneficial effects in the digestive system. Fiber stimulates intestinal movement, helps prevent constipation, and may alter the population of intestinal microflora, which can benefit digestion and intestinal immunity.
There are two types of dietary fiber: insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and passes through the large intestine largely unfermented by bacteria. Insoluble fiber decreases the transit time of contents through the gastrointestinal tract, increasing fecal bulk and enhancing regularity. Soluble fiber is partially digested (fermented) by bacteria in the large intestine, delays gastric emptying, gives a sense of fullness, slows glucose absorption, and is also associated with lowering serum cholesterol. Soluble fiber maintains intestinal health by promoting regularity and by acting as a pro-biotic, thereby maintaining the microflora of the large intestine. Research has also indicated a protective effect of soluble fiber against colon cancer and other intestinal disorders.
Goldenseal: Goldenseal is an herb with a history of use for diarrhea, digestion, whooping cough, and pulmonary problems. Its medicinal use centers around its ability to soothe the mucous membranes of the digestive and respiratory tracts. Due to its toning effect on the mucous membranes of the body, goldenseal is beneficial in various digestive problems. Berberine, goldenseal’s active compound, has anti-microbial activity and clinical studies have confirmed its effectiveness in curing acute diarrhea.
Not all of the products listed above may be necessary for promoting digestion or digestive health. Talk to your health care practitioner to determine which nutritional supplements may be the best for you.