Lori Bowden, our Fitness and Exercise expert, and a champion triathlete, talked to the Wellness Advisor about metabolism
Wellness Advisor: What is metabolism?
Lori Bowden: Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. Some people have a naturally higher metabolism, can seem to eat anything they want and not gain a pound. Others have a slower metabolism and gain weight very easily.
WA: How do I increase my metabolism?
Bowden: You increase your metabolism through exercise. Exercise will raise your energy requirements, and your metabolism will increase. Your body will use more stored fat for energy, and speed up weight loss. If you eat too much, (more calories than your body needs), your body will store the excess energy in the form of fat. As well as following a health diet, it is important not to restrict your calories too much. Rather than having a healthy, balanced diet, many people go on a diet which limits their calories too much. When that happens their metabolism actually slows down, so that the body can conserve energy and goes into survival mode. That’s why weight loss tends to slow down as the person continues to diet. Remember, exercise burns calories!
WA: Will my metabolism decrease with age?
Bowden: Unfortunately yes, our metabolism does tend to decrease with age. However, one of the main reasons is because we tend to be less active the older we get and therefore our energy requirements are drastically reduced. But you can fight this by staying active.
WA: Is it true that the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be?
Bowden: Yes! Muscle burns more calories than fat. It takes more energy and calories to keep a leaner body going! Fat does not burn many calories. So if you exercise, and increase your lean muscle mass, you will raise your energy requirements and burn more calories.
Being active is important to everyone. It is social, and you will feel happier and more positive, you will sleep better, think more clearly, have more energy, maintain a better body weight, and most importantly, reduce your risk of obesity, heart disease and stroke, falls and injuries, certain cancers, high blood pressure and stress, diabetes, osteoporosis and much more! a high-potency B-complex vitamin can help give you some extra energy in staying active. Making time for yourself and taking care of yourself is as important as any of your daily activities such as going to work, or caring for your family. Value yourself enough to take care of yourself!