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Earn & Save Money With Resell and Master Resell Rights

Resell rights are an amazing thing. You buy a product from the person who developed it, and you get the right to sell that copy of the product over and over again! This isn’t the same concept as an affiliate program where you have to share your sales with the product’s owner, you actually get to sell the product AND keep all of the money yourself!

With software products and e-books typically costing anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars to create (provided that you even have the skills to create them yourself), it’s easy to see why having resale rights is a wonderful thing. You get all of the profit without any of the hassles or development costs

A lot of people make good money reselling products in this way. Even better, there are a few very enterprising people who have figured out the trick to creating even more revenue by bundling different resale rights packages to create up-sell opportunities worth more than the value of each product individually. Now that’s something to think about.

Here’s what I mean. Suppose you owned the resale rights to the wildly popular "Autoresponder Unlimited"* package. This is a ready-to-run unlimited autoresponder program that lets anyone cancel their AWebber account or any other paid autoresponder service that they are using and replace it with their own.

They are forever relieved from paying monthly autoresponder membership fees and they can create as many autoresponders on as many domains for a one-time charge.

How much is that one-time charge? You get to decide because you have the resale rights. Maybe you charge $199, or may you only ask for $99, or $79. It doesn’t matter because the money is all yours.

But what if you wanted to make the deal sweeter? Suppose you wanted to give them the option of paying just a little bit more for a copy of the "Amazing Traffic Jam Formula"*, an easy to install program that can send tons of hits per month to their web site and/or a copy of "Ezy Ezine Ad Formatter"* which will format their emails to go through the spam filters of their prospects. You could charge a few dollars more and now you have a sales-pulling bundle. See how that works?

Once you get the hang of creating up-sell and cross-sell opportunities with resale rights, your head starts to spin. There are virtually unlimited opportunities. And that’s just with resale rights.

What about Master Resell Rights?

Master Resell Rights are a dream come true. Not only do you get the right to sell the product over and over, just like you do with resale rights, but you also get the right to appoint new resellers and give them resale rights.

Now you are not only a software entrepreneur with resale rights, but you are a master distributor with master resell rights on some products. It doesn’t get any better than this and you haven’t spent a dime of your own money on development. You’re simply exercising your rights that you own.

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