<%if Request("pic") = "" then%> <% 'NOTE - YOU MUST HAVE VBSCRIPT v5.0 INSTALLED ON YOUR WEB SERVER ' FOR THIS LIBRARY TO FUNCTION CORRECTLY. YOU CAN OBTAIN IT ' FREE FROM MICROSOFT WHEN YOU INSTALL INTERNET EXPLORER 5.0 ' OR LATER. ' Create the FileUploader Dim Uploader, File dim des Set Uploader = New FileUploader ' This starts the upload process Uploader.Upload() '****************************************** ' Use [FileUploader object].Form to access ' additional form variables submitted with ' the file upload(s). (used below) '****************************************** 'Response.Write "Thank you for your upload " & Uploader.Form("fullname") & "
" ' Check if any files were uploaded If Uploader.Files.Count = 0 Then Response.Write "File(s) not uploaded." Else ' Loop through the uploaded files For Each File In Uploader.Files.Items ' Check where the user wants to save the file If Uploader.Form("saveto") = "disk" Then ' Save the file 'des = server.mapPath("./Temp/") des = server.mapPath("/Images/poetry/") 'Response.Write des 'Response.End File.SaveToDisk Des mfile = File.FileName end if ' Output the file details to the browser 'Response.Write "File Uploaded: " & File.FileName & "
" 'Response.Write "Size: " & File.FileSize & " bytes
" 'Response.Write "Type: " & File.ContentType & "

" Next End If %> <% session("pic") = "" else session("pic") = Request("pic")%>
Pick a file to upload:

<%end if%>