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Kitchen Tip (To Cut Onions Without Tears?)
1. Empty the cabinets. 2. Use the soft brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner and carefully vacuum each cabinet inside and out. It may sound strange, but this will take away loose dust and cobwebs, in turn you will have less streaking and an easier job. 3. In a clean bucket, mix together a cup of white vinegar, two cups of ammonia, a half a cup of baking soda, and two gallons of warm water. (If the cabinets are really grimy, you may want to try some t-s-p or trisodium phosphate, which is a heavy duty cleaner that you can pick up at home improvement centers, instead). 4. Pull on your rubber gloves, open the cabinet doors, and with very little on your sponge scrub from the bottom up which will prevent streaking. Make sure that you get all of the surfaces of the cabinets including the framework, the inside and outside of the doors and all inside surfaces.
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