Cut Chicken Into Strips About 3 Inches Long And ¾ Inch Wide.
In A Small Mixing Bowl Combine The Egg Whites And The 1 Tablespoon Honey. In A Shallow Bowl Combine The Cornflake Crumbs And Pepper. Dip Chicken Strips Into The Egg White Mixture, Then Roll In The Crumb Mixture To Coat.
Place In A Single Layer On An Ungreased Baking Sheet. Bake Chicken In A 450 Degree F Oven For 11 To 13 Minutes Or Until No Longer Pink.
Meanwhile, For Sauce, In A Small Bowl Stir Together The ¼ Cup Honey, The Mustard, And Garlic Powder. Serve With Chicken.
Makes 4 Servings.
You can serve with your family and friends.