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Cakes >> Almond Chocolate Cake
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Cakes >> Almond Chocolate Cake


1. 8 Oz Plain Chocolate 2. 4 Oz Ground Almonds 3. 5 Tbsp Water 4. 4 Eggs, Yolks Separated From Whites, Whites Stiffly Beaten 5. 8 Oz Sugar 6. 4-oz Butter Softened And Cut Into Pieces 7. 2-½ Oz Flour 8. ½ Tsp Baking Powder
1. Heat The Water And In It Melt The Chocolate.
2. Remove The Mixture From The Heat And Stir In The Egg Yolks, One At A Time, Then The Sugar And The Butter.
3. When The Butter Has Melted, Stir In The Almonds And The Flour.
4. Last Of All; Fold In The Stiffly Beaten Egg Whites.
5. Pour The Mixture Into A Well-oiled Cake Tin And Bake In An Oven Preheated To Gas Mark 4 For 45 To 50 Minutes Or Until A Toothpick Inserted Into The Cake Comes Out Clean.

Serve Nicely You can serve with your family and friends.
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