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Scents Bring Inspiration For Writing

Inspirational writing is a part and parcel of the art of writing. Inspiration is indeed needed for writing. Without any inspiration, it is quite difficult to get ideas and thoughts to write. This is more so for articles or written matter that is more dependent on imagination, than facts. So follow these tips to get some hints on the secret of inspirational writing!

Whenever you feel stressed out or blocked while writing, it is most important to perhaps go for a short break or have a change of scenery. This helps a lot as the mind feels diverted, and refreshed, to start afresh on your writing, and thus produce inspirations for your writing! If you have the habit of typing your first drafts, it is better to hand write them for a change. Feel the difference once the ink of the pen melts into the paper while you let your creativity flow! Inspiration abounds here.

If you feel too stressed or tired of writing, flip through magazines and books. This is because the colors and ideas found in the magazines provide inspiration to spark your attitude. The colors blue and green greatly reduce your stress levels by thirty percent or more, and thus provide scope for inspirational writing. Aromatherapy is great for providing inspirations to you. To do this, you have to add strong scents to the room with lightly scented candles or perhaps take a stroll down to a store that is heavily scented. Or else, find an orange or strawberry, and smell it. The smell is certain to bring about a change in your mood and trigger inspiration in you. All this is possible because smells have always been known to awaken the creativity in you and also trigger memories of stories from the past. These old stories can provide the base for your new stories!

For real life inspiration, you may also try seeing or renting an inspirational movie during your relaxation time. Take a notebook along too if required to record the inspirational phrases in the movie. You can then later pen down thoughts related to these inspirational phrases. Reading poetry is also known to help spark creativity in you. The rhymes and wordings kindle memories and inspiration for the author in you. Reading books too help in this way. It’s hard to believe, but just looking at bold and bright colors for a few minutes too provides the necessary inspiration for you to write! This is because these colors change your mood, and thus makes you more relaxed to think up something to write upon. Change your vibration energy by doing something to switch yourself into high gear. Try taking a shower, going for a walk or turning on the music and dancing naked for a while! All these movements are sure to give you some inspiration to think of and to write about.

Talking with friends about the topic you are writing about also brings out some inspiration in you as it helps in fleshing out ideas and creativity in you. You could perhaps record your conversation, with their permission, and then play it back later to check the nuances that you may have missed. If you have no close friends near you, you could always write an email to your friend, wherever he is, to tell him /her what exactly you intend to accomplish. And that you are stuck and need some inspiration for moving on in your writing. You are sure to get an answer for the email, to help you in your writing. If you have the financial capacity, you could always get a virtual assistant to do the typing for you so that you are free to draw inspiration from the surroundings to continue your writing. You could perhaps fax your writing, or dictate the matter into the computer and then send the voice file for transcription.

God always provides us with inspiration in whatever we do. So to rekindle this inspiration, it is quite beneficial to go to the church for the noon service and whisper a prayer or two. You are sure to feel your energy reconnected with the universe to help you replenish whatever it is that might be missing. Keeping the thought of being grateful for whatever it is that you have, and not for what you are missing, gives you inspiration too. This is because you learn to appreciate what you have, and don’t feel dejected. Dejection tends to lead to depression, and depression, means no completion of your writing! Laugh, and the world laughs, it is often said. And how true it is. Some authentic, raw laughter really frees the psyche, to start the inspiration and creativity wheel moving!

If you are used to writing in a quiet place, make a change and go to a noisy place, like McDonald’s to write. This is because once the place is noisy, you tend to need more concentration and inspiration to go on with the writing process. On the contrary, going for a long, quiet and leisurely drive while listening to your favorite CD too helps to provide inspiration. Sing out of tune, for the sake of relaxing, and see how much inspired you can get! Use your creativity, and your inspiration, to produce a piece of writing that is very much interesting and beneficial for all to read!

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